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Can basic minds
ever meet content?

Presented at:

- Third MLAG Postgraduated conference. Porto, Portugal (10/04/2019 - 12/04/2019)

- Fourth SILFS Conference. Urbino, Italy (03/06/2019 - 07/03/2019)

- Copenhagen Summer School in Phenomenology and Philosophy of mind. Copenhagen, DK (12/08/2019 - 16/08/2019)

- International conference on pretend-play and E-cognition. Antwerp, Belgium (19/09/2019 - 20/09/2019) [different title]


It eventually became this paper

Prediction error minimization
is not the mark of
yhe cognitive

Presented at:

- 16th AISC Conference. Rome, Italy (11/12/2019 - 13/12/2019)


It eventually become a different talk, and a different paper

Do structural representations
meet the job description challenge?

Presented at:

- OSWZ Graduate conference in theoretical philosophy. Tilburg, The Netherlands (19/12/2019)

- Workshop: representation in cognitive science. Bochum, Germany (03/02/2020 - 04/02/2020)

- 10th European congress of analytic philosophy. Utrecht, the Netherlands (24/08/2020 - 28/08/2020)


It eventually became this paper

Is D.E.U.T.S. really the best
argument for extended

Joint work with Niccolò Negro

Presented at:

- Workshop: methodology of situated cognition. Kassel, Germany (03/03/2021 - 04/03/2021)


It eventually became this paper

Extended predictive minds:
a puzzle on transparency
and attention (and its  solution)

Presented at:

- 28th conference of the european society of analytic philosophy. Leipzing, Germany (31/08/2021 - 01/09/2021)


It eventually became this paper

Extended Predictive Minds:
do Markov Blankets Matter?

Presented at:

- 6th conference of the Socieety for the Metaphysics of Science. Online (01/09/2020 - 04/09/2020)

- East European  Network for the philosophy of science. Belgrade, Serbia (09/06/2021 - 11/076/2021)

- Italian Society for Neuroethics. Milan, Italy (13/05/2021 - 21/05/2021)


It eventually became this paper

Troubles with mathematical

Presented at:

- First Online AISC Postgraduate conference. Online (13/09/2021 - 14/09/2021)

- 14th conference of the italian society of analytic philosophy (22/09/2021 - 24/09/2021)


It eventually became this paper

Why can't I say what cognition is
(and you can't either)

Presented at:

- Joint ESPP/SPP meeting. Milan, Italy (19/07/2022 - 22/07/2022)

- Midterm AISC conference. Parma, Italy. (22/06/2022 - 24/06/2022)

- 5th SILFS Conference. Milan, Italy (13/06/2022 - 17/06/2021)


It eventually became this paper

Extended animal cognition

Joint work with Giulia Leonetti

Presented at:

- The Rudolf Carnap Lectures. Bochum, Germany (23/03/2023 - 25/03/2023)

- SINE Conference. Lucca & Pisa, Tuscany (10/04/2023 - 13/03/2023)

- ECAP 2023. Vienna, Austria.

Public Charades

Joint work with Zuzanna Rucinska

- You can watch the full talk here

Neural representations unobserved

Presented at:

- Workshop Representational Penumbra. Valencia, Spain (24-25/05/2023)

- ECAP 2023. Vienna, Austria

- ESPP 2023.Prague,Czech Republic

-  First ISPSM online conference

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